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Website Directory Structure Main Steps
Main Steps

01- Creating Websites.

02- Domains and Hosting.

03- Products to Sell.

04- Search Engines.

05- WebSite traffic.

06- Web Advertising.

07- Accepting Credit Cards.

08- Shopping Carts.

09- Scam Jobs.

10- Web Development.

Website Directory Structure 01- How to create a website?- Page 6 of 6

Website's Directory Structure:

Folders (Directories) are an important part of your web site. Folders are the containers for all of your website files. Remember that the browsers used to access web pages locally (on your computer) or remotely (on a web server that provides the page to users) cannot determine where on your computer a file is located. Since the web browser needs help to
locate your files, creating folders is a good idea. By creating specific folders that contain the various types of web page files (HTML, images, templates, java script, PDF, etc.) you ensure that at least YOU can determine where your files are and help fix broken links either locally or remotely.

File naming considerations

  • Keep your website organized on your hard drive just as you organize it on the internet. This simple step will save you hours of wasted effort.
  • The root directory of your site should only contain one file wherever possible, your home page plus whatever files your server puts in there once it is published. It should be named either index.htm/asp/php etc. or default.htm/asp/php etc.
  • All images in your site are best off in one folder, called images (how about that!) This central location makes it easy to manage your image files, and considering that some images are often repeated on a site, it is a good deal easier to locate them during the design process.
  • Create a subdirectory for each series of related pages. Keep all relevant information together in individual sub folders. This will help you and the search engines find threads to follow and provide easy access to information for your visitors.
  • Keep files that belong on each page in the same subdirectory. Don't put files from your root directory into these folders, keep them separate and link them to the sub folders.
  • Name your subdirectories and files in an easy to identify manner. Make good use of your keywords when naming sub folders and files. This will unite the content of your website. They should all tie together in a logical way.
  • Relevant files should be given relevant names and stored in relevant folders.
  • Make your file names relevant. Relevant filenames are very important. Give your files a name that relates to the content of the document. If you name your files, for example, 001.htm, troubleshooting in your rapidly expanding site can be a real
    headache, as you will have no visual cue to remind you of the contents of that page. Relevant filenames can also assist in search engine rankings.
  • Do not use spaces when naming your file. To create the illusion of a space, use_the_underscore_key or-dash-key, but use it sparingly. Do not use &,% etc. This can cause error messages in publishing, display and retrieval.
  • Name your folders in much the same way. For example, a small business website might contain folders such as admin, contact, images, product, order and about.
  • If using a software application such as FrontPage, do not delete or rename any of the folders that FP creates when you start a new empty web. These folders (and other hidden ones you do not see in the FP folder display window, but can see in explorer) may contain crucial elements regarding site functionality.
  • Plan for expansion. If you think a page on a particular theme will expand into a number of pages, create a subdirectory for it. And populate it with relevant data on that particular subject.
  • Look at Our Website's Directory Structure:

    Our Website's Directory Structure

    The folder consists of default page and any number of pages

    Images subfolders

    Now your can see your first website online...
    Website Directory Structure